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Learning objectives
Once you have completed this e-tutorial, you will…
- be familiar with the various materials used in implant prosthetics and able to apply these correctly according to the indication.
- know the advantages and disadvantages of the different abutment concepts.
- be able to differentiate between the individual framework concepts and their design, and select the most suitable material for the particular indication.
- understand the manufacturing concepts for implant prosthetic constructions and the main features of the digital workflow.
- be able to evaluate prosthetic restoration with ceramic implants in the dental practice.
Modern techniques of implant prosthetics have a wide variety of different materials at their disposal, ranging from commercially pure titanium, titanium alloys, precious metal, and non-precious alloys, to tooth-colored materials. One of the most important prerequisites for dental materials is tissue compatibility. Materials that are intended to remain in the organism over a long period of time must fulfil the criterium of biocompatibility. In addition, the individual materials are characterized by their specific properties, which predestine them for particular implant prosthetic indications. The current e-tutorial examines the properties of individual materials in detail, deriving their indications and describing the corresponding steps of analog processing as well as digital manufacture of implants. This is followed by an analysis of the principles guiding construction. Options for and requirements of the abutment and framework design are elucidated, with a particular focus on design of the occlusal surface and planning of esthetically relevant regions. The final section is dedicated to use of CAD/CAM technology for abutment fabrication.
Florian Beuer, Sven-Marcus Beschnidt, Christian Hammächer, Andreas Kunz