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8B.2 Prosthetic analysis and planning and their importance for occlusion and loading

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Kursvorschaubild © DGI GmbH / Springer Medizin

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Learning objectives

Once you have completed this e-tutorial, you will…

  • understand the various aspects of esthetic and functional analysis.
  • be able to estimate the functional risk of a complex restoration.
  • appreciate the relevance of the correct implant position and the importance of periimplant hard and soft tissue for the success of implant-based prosthetic restoration in the esthetic zone.
  • be informed about soft tissue sculpting, the emergence profile, and the role of interim therapeutic restorations.
  • know and understand the causes of functional complications and be able to establish a realizable occlusion and loading concept for daily practice.


The majority of patients nowadays expect a dental restoration that does not only meet modern esthetic and biological standards, but one which also has a long functional lifetime. Fundamental to the esthetic effect is the interplay between the proportions of the face, the contour of the mouth, the lips, and bite harmony. In order to capture this, the esthetic analysis—which collects data on all important parameters to permit evaluation of the as-is situation—is essential. Starting with the as-is situation, the target situation is defined. The target situation represents the goal of treatment and serves as the planning basis for all further steps. Prosthetic complications may manifest biologically, functionally, esthetically, or technically. Functional analysis aims to determine potential causes of functional complications and define a feasible occlusion and loading concept. Regular monitoring and, where required, adjustment of occlusion—even after attachment of the dental prosthesis—can prevent occlusal overload.


Florian Beuer, Sven-Marcus Beschnidt, Christian Hammächer, Andreas Kunz

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